Sunday, August 15, 2010


Woo Hoo! 
100th post...

a quote from the Sanskrit
"Yesterday is but a dream, 
tomorrow is only a vision. 
But, today, well lived, makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day,
for it is life, the very life of life."

I can't wait to see what
colorful adventures
are ahead!

took a 45 minute run/walk
chatted w/family on the phone
 enjoyed a yummy brunch of fruit salad + tamale eggs
saw the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love"  
ate Mexican food for dinner

...over jet lag?
ummm ~ almost
...back to work tomorrow?
YEP... and I'm  
for the new school year!


  1. Congradulations on your 100th post! You have been such an inspiration to both Heather and I. Thank you. And what a lovely day you had, how was the movie...good?

  2. yes - it was a 9 out of 10... but we love Julia Roberts & the scenery was exceptional. I read the book so long ago, I don't remember how closely the movie follows the book??

    Work was good - but I'm so tired!!



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