urrghhh! I was looking at my photo archives for the past few Decembers... and I just remembered something I wanted to "attempt" making.
So, my plan is to make a list of supplies to buy
(since many of them are seasonal) & head to Michael's tomorrow! I have a GIFT card from my colleagues (retirement gift from last May) + several coupons that are expiring!
WHAT do I want to make, you ask??
a glittery village of houses with fir trees, snow & Christmas ornamentation! Of course, this would be my "dream house"...
Oh... don't you love these! check out the adorable church!
some more "dreamy houses"
I certainly have my work cut out for me! Am I attempting something too difficult?
perhaps one this size should be my first attempt!
with a sloped roof to prevent the snow from building up!
Wish me LUCK shopping for my supplies tomorrow!
Working on several other projects right now!
so, this will have to wait until a "rainy day" in 2016!