Wednesday, March 5, 2014


LOVE the detail on this clay pot, but it needs some color
to give it some pizzaz!

Looked through my stash of spray paint & remembered I had selected this color for another project --- a year ago! 

Don't ya LOVE the blue dirt!!?
and, how about the blue bricks lifting the pot off the ground?
Actually, I do think the addition of color has made
the scallops really "POP". What do you think?

AND, I also applied a "textured paint" to the square ceramic pot! It was the end of the can... actually, an experiment to see if the paint would keep the pot from crumbling into pieces. 

This pot is not in good condition... it's pretty awful, so the fact that it looks decent with just a quick spray is good enough for me to consider buying another can of paint to finish the project

We're planning to set both of these in the front planter & fill with some annuals or ??? something that can thrive on shade, with a touch of afternoon sun.

Oh, AND, in the background --- check out the chair frames I repainted. I found a piece of fabric to recover the seats, so out came the spray paint to give the frames a NEW LOOK.

This project is completed --- I've even used the chairs... will try to remember to take pictures of the completed chair reno!

{to reuse in such a way as to create a product
of a higher quality or value than the original}


  1. Love that blue - my favorite flower pot color is a lovely blue like that - always think it pops nicely against the greenery!

  2. Love the color! What a great accent...did you paint the chairs blue too? You might try some succulents is the pots, they would be pretty.

    Your new header is super and what a fabulous quote.

  3. It's a great blue and the pot is much improved. Yes, I think it does bring out the scallops. It sounds like you're busy getting ready for spring.

  4. Are those the chairs from your bedroom balcony?

  5. Are those the chairs from your bedroom balcony?

    PS- Brian really likes the blue pot, he showed me this blog post.



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